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donderdag 12 februari 2009
Darwin Dub
Vandaag tweehonderd jaar geleden werd Charles Darwin geboren. Dat heeft een boel gedonder gegeven, zoals in Dover, Pennsylvania, waar zijn leer een onderwijsverbod kreeg om 'constitutionele redenen'. Reden om in de jukebox het nummer 'Dub fi Dover' te draaien en de dag door te brengen in zware basdreunen en dikke rookwolken. De waard denkt dat Andries Knevel nog langs komt en neuriet de 'lyrics' mee in zijn slechte Engels:
Dub fi Dover
Tell de children de truth now, mi bredren!
Tell de children de truth mi sistren!
Tell de children de truth!
Tell the children the truth now, my brothers!
Tell the children the truth now, my sisters!
Tell the children the truth!
Vicktry fi Science inna Dover Pennsylvania! Vicktry fi Science!
Victory for Science in Dover Pennsylvania! Victory for Science!
Big it up fi Tammy Kitzmiller!
Let's congratulate Tammy Kitzmiller!
Respec' mi sister! Respec'!
Respect, my sister! Respect!
Big it up fi Bryan and Christy Rehm! Big it up for Deborah Fenimore, Joel Leib, Steven Stough and Beth Eveland!
Big it up fi Cynthia Sneath and Julie Smith, Barrie and Fred Callahan!
Big it up fi Nick Matzke and the NCSE!
Let's congratulate Bryan and Christy Rehm etc.
Big it up fi Judge John E. Jones III! Listen to im word!
Let's congratulate Judge John E. Jones III! Listen to his words!
Judge Johnny E! What im say bout ID?
Judge Johnny E! What does he say about ID?
Dat it violates de Constitution and de spirit a de American revolution!
That it violates the Constitution and the spirit of the American revolution!
Evolution a fact, not just theory!
ID no science: no, it religion
ID is not science: no it is religion
What about falsifiability!
It come a cropper wid Popper!
It comes a cropper with Popper!
What im say about de defendant-dem? Dem lie and lie again!
What did he say about the defendants? They would time and again lie!
Chant dem down! Mi seh: Chant dem down! Chant dem down! Mi seh: Chant dem down!
Chant them down! I say: Chant them down! Chant them down! I say: Chant them down!
Chant dem down wid Reason and Logic!
Chant them down with Reason and Logic!
Chant dem down wid facts and Science!
Chant them down with facts and Science!
Chant dem down wid Biology and Philosophy!
Chant them down with Biology and Philosophy!
Chant dem down wid de Rule of Law!
Chant them down with the Rule of Law!
Mek we fight mytology wid Geology!
Let us fight mythology with Geology!
Mek we fight confusion wid de Constitution!
Let us fight confusion with the Constitution!
Vicktry fi Science inna Dover Pennsylvania! Vicktry fi Science!
Victory for Science in Dover Pennsylvania! Victory for Science!
Big it up fi Tammy Kitzmiller!
Let's congratulate Tammy Kitzmiller!
Respec' mi sister! Respec'!
Respect, my sister! Respect!
Tell de children de truth now, mi bredren!
Tell de children de truth mi sistren!
Tell de children de truth!
Tell the children the truth now, my brothers!
Tell the children the truth now, my sisters!
Tell the children the truth!
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